Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Feminist Gender Equality

The Gender Gap Index(GGI) is often invoked in discussions related to women empowerment in the countries ranked on its basis. The Global Gender Gap report for the influential World Economic Forum uses it for determining the gender equality the nations have reached.

However, the so-called GGI is not about the gender gaps that favor women, and only concerns itself with the gender-gaps that don't favor women. So the inequality that men face is not considered.

The wiki article states:

The report’s Gender Gap Index ranks countries according to their gender gaps, and their scores can be interpreted as the percentage of the inequality between women and men that has been closed. Information about gender imbalances to the advantage of women is explicitly prevented from affecting the score.

Therefore the countries that reach 1 on it will have women who are as good as men and sometimes better.

The real feminist gender-equality in so many words.